Tips for Success courtesy of Lloyd Stone, President of Manny Stone Decorators
- Headlines sell newspapers! Have a bold sign with your company logo posted above eye level on the back wall of your booth, if possible.
- What’s your number? Post your booth number using at least 3” numbers on a 12X6 inch size sign on each side wall of your booth.
- Safety First! Foam board must be certified FLAME RESISTANT. To meet this criterion, a 10 second flame resistant test may be issued by a fire marshal. If the foam board continues to burn after 10 seconds under the flame, it must be removed from the exhibit. Manny Stone Decorators offers only flame resistant foam board options, pre-tested, Stone approved.
- Avoid shipping wars! Our preferred carrier is BTX Global Logistics. Contact information is listed below. Head’s up: If using UPS to ship to show site, be sure to select the “Saturday Delivery” option, no matter what.
- Comfort is key! Wear comfortable walking shoes, sneakers or other footwear as you will be on your feet all day, for days at a time. Happy feet = Happy face.
- Stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay energized and healthy.
- If it’s free, it’s for me! Consider a giveaway with your company logo and url on it. It should be something that you do not sell! Why limit your sales potential by giving away something that you do sell? Make it something the average buyer would want two of …
- Role play! Remember: you are a farmer. Plant your seeds, water them, fertilize them and let the sun shine. Take buyers’ business cards, do your homework and follow up with emails, personal notes and phone calls to develop new relationships.
Best of luck in New York City and enjoy our great city while you’re in town!
Graphics contact: Devin Reuther at EL-CO COLOR LABS
Services: logos / images on Gator, foam board and Vinyl and Masonite flooring
E-mail: Phone: 732-536-1808
Services By Air: Onsite and Offsite Contact: Stuart Stockelberg
E-mail: Phone: 732-453-4570