Lloyd Stone, President of Manny Stone Decorators, has taken his company to places his father Manny couldn't have dreamed of when he opened shop in 1952. At inception, "Manny Stone Displays" (the original name of the business), primarily provided customers with authentic and whimsical store window displays around the east coast. Whether a seasonal change or a holiday occurrence, Manny Stone Displays was exceptionally successful at creating displays that marketed new merchandise, generating an increase in store sales.
But times change and so must marketing and retail trends. As Lloyd became president in the mid 1980s, he changed the company's name to Manny Stone Decorators. Lloyd realized that storefront window displays were disappearing as "Main Street" shopping became "shopping at the mall," where there were few if any window displays. Lloyd had the vision to broaden his display service model and expand into the trade show exhibit business, adding his brother-in law, Paul Schultz, as a partner.
Lloyd seized the opportunity and began transitioning his team's window display talents onto a broader platform. He began working toward trade show booth design and application, providing the same sensibilities of window displays in attracting attention. Lloyd realized that making a trade show booth an attraction brought in buyers and promoted sales. Manny Stone Decorators began to offer specialized hard wall installation, foam board, signage, graphics, flooring, shelving and lighting, among other products (all featured on mannystone.com) to his trade show customers. As customers began collecting orders from buyers, Manny Stone Decorators began drawing new clients who similarly wanted their merchandise to stand out. Lloyd knew he was onto something special; his vision transformed Manny Stone Decorators into the expansive trade show business it is today.
In an often cold and corporate business world, Manny Stone Decorators is rooted in family values. Lloyd and his team diligently guarantee each customer personal attention and care throughout the process of preparing for and working any show. Lloyd and Team MSD make it their business to be a part of their customer's "show" business in exploring ideas and transforming the best ones into reality. Team MSD is readily available by email and phone to deal with potential roadblocks and to build on its success.
As Lloyd says, "We'll crawl with you, we'll walk with you and we'll run with you." He looks forward to collaborative designing and building his clients' future.
Manny Stone Decorators specializes in:
When designing your tradeshow exhibit, think of Stone's Tradeshow Law: "For every creative and practical action, there is a positive sales reaction."