January 2016 NY NOW

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Camila Mesquita

2. Camila Mesquita

Crow & Canary

3. Crow & Canary

Crow & Canary

4. Crow & Canary


5. Dogeared

Evy Jacob

11. Evy Jacob

Finch Berry

12. Finch Berry

Girl of All Work

13. Girl of All Work

Gooseberry Designs

14. Gooseberry Designs

Grace Gow

15. Grace Gow

Jane Diaz

19. Jane Diaz

Laurel Denise

21. Laurel Denise

Little Giraffe

24. Little Giraffe

Mr. Boddington

25. Mr. Boddington's

Muche et Muchette

26. Muche et Muchette

O Venture

27. O Venture


28. Parkland


31. Pomchies


32. Pomchies

Sterling Silver Jewelry

37. Sterling Silver Jewelry

Top It Off Accessories

38. Top It Off Accessories